Cannabis cures Cancer so you’re either for the cure or you’re running from it

If you havent seen this documentary yet PLEASE, give it a watch!

Rick Simpson wasnt afraid of the big bad government& Neither am I!

Thousands of people are curing LATE STAGE supposedly incurable cancers with CANNABIS RIGHT NOW!!!

NOBODY wants to watch their family and friends die horribly painful deaths from cancer or the treatments like chemo and radiation they poison you with 😥

Dont be fooled by CBD oil selling online.. You want full THC that is what is going to cure you.
And if you are on facebook search up the cannabis support groups so you can have some help…Or ask me, Ive made the oil a ton of times and will help if you need some onine support or a friend to ask ❤


cannabisGet ready to take your health into your own hands!

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